Western Fishboat Owners Association






NOTICE – U.S. Canada Albacore Treaty a three-year regime was negotiated under the US/Canada albacore treaty. This regime will last through the 2022 season after which it will expire.

U.S. Vessels wishing to fish in Canadian waters pursuant to the treaty must register with NMFS at least 7 days prior to the first planned day in Canada by contacting NMFS at (562) 980-4238 or email albacore.fish@noaa.gov, as well as contacting now Prince Rupert CG (250) 627-3074 * prior to entering. Additional requirements and instructions can be found in the Guide for Complying with US.-Canada Albacore Treaty.

Number of Vessels: 45 Canadian Vessels in US EEZ, Historical Number U.S. Vessels in Canadian EEZ.

Fishing Season: Canadians access to US waters from June 15 – September 15, U.S. vessels can fish in Canadian waters outside of 12nm June 15 – October 31.

Port Access Season: U.S. boats June 15 – Dec 31 under regime. Jan 1 – June 15 with approval and application below.

To enter a Canadian port for any reason other than force majeure (an emergency) U.S. vessels will need to fill out an application any time of the year. (Not Needed Just For Fishing) – Application to Enter Canada Ports: http://tinyurl.com/mvy4pvg

List of Canadian brokers: http://tinyurl.com/l37knea

USCG At-Sea Vessel Interaction Report Form: http://tinyurl.com/ken8zb4

Copy of Treaty: http://tinyurl.com/mslth3a

Canadian Permits Now Required by U.S. Boats: Starting in 2018, all U.S. North Pacific Albacore Tuna fishing vessels will need an EEZ Albacore Tuna Fishing Licence for U.S. Vessels (EEZ tuna fishing licence), before entering Canada’s EEZ to fish.

DFO has developed an approach that builds on the existing EEZ Port Access (EEZ port access licence) licensing application process. Agents/harvesters only need to check an additional box to apply for the EEZ tuna fishing licence.

The requirement applies to ALL U.S. vessels fishing North Pacific albacore tuna in Canada’s EEZ under the Canada-U.S. Albacore Tuna Treaty.

•The licence will allow U.S. North Pacific albacore tuna vessels to enter and fish in Canada’s EEZ in accordance with Canadian law.

•The EEZ tuna fishing licence will need to be applied for on an annual basis.

•The same application form is used to apply for both port access and fishing licences. No new forms are required.

•There are no fees for either licence for U.S. harvesters accessing Canada’s EEZ, either to fish or to access port.

•A harvester could potentially have two licences: one for port access and one for tuna fishing.

•If you have previously applied for an EEZ port access licence, only an additional box (box #7) needs to be checked to apply for a fishing licence.

Licence application forms can be found here:



NEW – 2018 – Canadian Marine Protected Areas – No Fishing:

(a) Fishing for tuna is not permitted in the Endeavour Hydrothermal Vents Marine Protected Area, as set out in the Endeavour Hydrothermal Vents Marine Protected Area Regulations:


The area 47°54 N, 129°02 W, from there west to a point at 47°54 N, 129°08 W, from there north to a point at 48°01 N, 129°08 W, from there east to a point at 48°01 N, 129°02 W

(b) Fishing for tuna is not permitted in the SGaan Kinghlas-Bowie Seamount Marine Protected Area, as set out in the Bowie Seamount Marine Protected Area Regulations:


The area53º03’07.6 N, 135º50’25.9,W, to a point 53º16’20.9 N, 134º59’55.4 W, then to a point 53º39’49.2 N, 135º17’04.9 W, then to a point 53º39’18.0 N, 135º53’46.5 W, then to a point 53º52’16.7 N, 136º30’23.1 W, then to a point 53º49’19.6 N, 136º47’33.1 W, then to a point 53º40’02.5 N, 136º57’03.5 W, then to a point 53º13’59.2 N, 136º10’00.0 W

WCPFC Vessels Requirements: U.S. albacore vessels are required to register if fishing west of 150W. Pacific Islands Regional Office listing vessel requirements under the WCPFC fishing west of 150W in the North and west of 130W in the South Pacific. The main item is a VMS requirement on all vessels. For a copy of the guide: COMPLIANCE GUIDE and LETTER TO VESSELS. NOTE on VMS: This is a requirement on U.S. vessels fishing west of 150W in the North Pacific, and west of 130W south of 4N in the South Pacific. This is under rules of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC). For now HMS vessels east of this management area are not required to carry VMS. However,NMFS has approved VMS on vessels over 79ft in all areas under the Tuna Conventions Act and will take effect later this year. New Website for Management Bodies: The IATTC has constructed this comprehensive site with links to major HMS management bodies:  IATTC Comprehensive Tuna Management


Alternate Safety Compliance Programs – USCG: The Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2010 requires the Coast Guard to develop, in cooperation with the commercial fishing industry,  Alternate Safety Compliance Programs (ASCPs).  ASCP applies to vessels over 50-feet in length that will be over 25 years of age in 2020 and operate outside 3NM.

A public meeting will be held in Half Moon Bay on May 4, 2016 to discuss and provide fleet-specific input. Please give Jim Anderson at 415-519-1622 or Bob Dooley at 650-619-4713 a call if interested in attending.

New Dolphin Safe Captains Course and Statement 2016: It appears most albacore fishermen received a letter from NMFS saying you are required to complete a Dolphin Safe course and have a certificate to present after each trip.

In response to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) new rules on “dolphin safe” labeling of tuna imports, Earth Island Institute — a non-profit which owns Dolphin Safe — said this brings the US into compliance with World Trade Organization (WTO) rules

The NOAA Website has links to the so called “Course” which appears all you have to do is read the downloadable PDF file, and then there are links at acceptable one page templates you can carry with you.

Link:  http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/dolphinsafe/dsctc.htm

HMS, HSFCA Permits: