Western Fishboat Owners Association Advocate for FishermenLiaison with GovernmentSustain the FisheryPromote our Product
Our purpose is to promote the interests of the hook and line albacore fishery and other small boat pelagic fisheries.
Who We Are
The Western Fishboat Owners’ Association (WFOA) is a non-profit association representing albacore troll-vessel owners and supporting businesses in California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, and Hawaii. We also maintain a limited membership of vessels in New Zealand and in British Columbia, Canada. These family-owned boats fish for Wild Pacific Albacore off the U.S. West Coast from June through October, and in the South Pacific from January through April. In addition many also harvest crab, shrimp, salmon, and more.
Regular WFOA activities and services include:
HMS Management
We assist in the development of Pacific highly migratory species (HMS) management strategies — as required by the 1995 UN Straddling Stocks and HMS Agreement and the U.S. Sustainable Fisheries Act. WFOA representatives serve on the U.S. delegations at Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission and the InterAmercian Tropical Tuna Commission, and participate in both U.S. and Canadian efforts to design a reasonable, effective, and practical domestic fishery management system.
Member Support
Our mission is to empower our members with the tools and resources they need to succeed, and to be their unwavering advocate in an ever-evolving industry. By working together, we can navigate the complex challenges before us and emerge stronger. We are committed to providing our members with accurate and timely information, as well as the support they need to thrive. Together, we can make a positive impact on the industry and create a brighter future for all.
Legislative Liaison
WFOA representatives attend legislative and regulatory hearings in all states and nations where policy affecting highly migratory species fisheries — including the albacore fishery — are formulated. We also work in cooperation with other fishery associations on mutual legislative and regulatory issues. We are included as advisors to the U.S. State Department fisheries negotiating team, and have participated in conferences with Mexico, Canada, and the Pacific Islands.
In today's fast-paced world, change is happening all the time affecting every fishery. We know that for any industry to be successful, our members need to be knowledgeable and have the right skills to handle change. We are committed to offering excellent education and training programs because we believe that our members deserve the best. The WFOA is dedicated to making sure we foster a culture of learning that supports progress and confidence in the industry.
WFOA and You
The American consumer will find Wild Pacific Albacore one of the best sustainable products on the market — particularly the custom-packed and locally produced products from our members in communities along the West Coast. These family-owned boats fish for Wild Pacific Albacore from June through October, and in the South Pacific from January through April.

Family Owned Boats
Artisanal hook and line vessels fished by members of the same families over several generations form the core of the Western Fishboat Owners Association.

High Quality Nutrition
Our Wild Pacific albacore is a true nutritional powerhouse, recognized by the FDA for its many health benefits. Our boats provide you with the best quality fish available.

Sustainable Fishing
The recognized sustainability of Pacific Albacore fisheries is important for our member-operators. WFOA vessels are certified by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) for troll and pole caught albacore in the North and South Pacific. We are also on the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s “Green List” of sustainability and good fishing practices.

Our Members
The WFOA was started by fishermen back in 1967 as a way to stabilize market prices for albacore tuna and has evolved over the years into a group representing fishermen in markets, management, and regulation from the state levels to the international level. Our membership has been stable throughout the years as has the fishing and stocks we fish on with only a few seasons exceptions.
We believe our members and our fisheries are stronger and more resilient when we work together. Whether you’re a vessel owner, crewmember, retiree, or business owner we want to hear from you. Join us and find out how you can help!
News & Updates
From offshore wind developments to proposed fishery regulations, our industry is constantly changing. We keep our members informed about the latest happenings.